Race Info – Frequently Asked Questions

Stillwater Half Marathon

Here is everything you need to know. If it’s not here, just ask us. We’ll get back to you as quickly as possible. Contact us at info@runstillwater.com.

Expand the sections below for more information.


What are the entry fees for the races?

See the Race Pricing Schedule for current race pricing information.

Can I register for all this season's races at the same time?

Registration Details:

Yes, you can. The website allows for one individual to register for as many or all five races at the same time? Watch for that option within the registration process.

Can I register more than one person in the same registration?

No, each person must register separately to ensure we have all the correct safety and waiver information for each race participant.

How can I check if I'm registered?

All registrations are sent an email confirmation immediately after your registration is complete. The email comes from info@runstillwater.com and is sent to the address provided during sign-up. If you have a Run Stillwater account or created one when you registered, you may also log in to see the races for which you are registered.

BEFORE INQUIRING ABOUT YOUR REGISTRATION, please search your email and spam folder for info@runstillwater.com. If you still cannot find it, feel free to contact us at this same address.

Please note the registration process also asks for the runner email address. Future communications about a race event will be sent to the runner email provided, which may be different than the primary email associated with a registration.

Why does my order say "Processing"?

“Processing” means your order is set and you’re ready for the event in the future. No worries; we’ve got you.

When will I get my bib number?

All registered participants will be sent an email Thursday before the race with your bib number and details about logistics, directions, etc. It will be sent from Mtec Results, our timing company. Watch for it and also save info@runstillwater.com to help ensure you receive important race information. If you do not receive it, you can look up your bib number at packet pickup. In the meantime, you can find all the information you may need on the race’s webpage HERE.

When does registration close for the race?

Registration is open for all races beginning in October the previous year. At this time, the field of runners is not limited in number.

For each race:

  • Online registration closes at midnight the Wednesday before a race. Online registration ensures participants will receive their race shirt in the size they request at packet pickup before the race.
  • Will Call registration is available online until noon Friday before a race. Runners registering as Will Call are assigned a bib number before packet pickup and receive their race shirt after the race.
  • In-Person registration is available Friday and Saturday before the race at Packet Pickup. In-Person registrants are assigned a bib number at packet pickup and receive their race shirt after the race.

I have a conflict. How do I get my money back, or give someone my bib number?

Registration for all Run Stillwater races is nontransferable and nonrefundable.

What do runners receive?

Runners Receive:

  • Gender-specific, premium quality cotton blend shirt NOTE: Will Call and In-person registrants receive their race shirts after the event at packet pick-up (if your size is available) or in the mail following the event.
  • Collectible medals to all finishers – each year Run Stillwater medals fit together as a set to commemorate your season
  • Personalized race bibs up to 10 characters (Deadlines apply. See Race Pricing Schedule for details)
  • Timing by Mtec Results (all distances) – a leader in race timing technologies and based in the Twin Cities
  • Runner tracking using the Mtec Results app. Track and easily share participant performance, see current and projected runner locations, view chip and gun times, get real-time results including overall and division place, and more
  • Bag drop at each start location with bags provided at the starts (clear, 15″ x 18″ with drawstring)
  • Pacers for half marathon runners
  • Staffed water stations to serve and cheer you on with water and Gatorade available (Race-day support staff is provided as part of Run Stillwater’s Volunteer for Donation program. Learn more HERE.)
  • Restroom facilities at each start, the finish line and approximately every two miles on the course
  • Finish line recovery food and beverages – fruit, protein bars, salty snacks, Gatorade and bottled water
  • Selfie clock at the finish showing your name and time
  • Video of you crossing the finish line – available at the MTEC results website
  • Photos available to download at no charge from MTEC Results and the Run Stillwater Facebook page
  • Keepsake age group awards, customized for each winner, are mailed to winners after the event – SEE 2023 EXAMPLE HERE – natural slate stone engraved with name, date, time, distance and division – for top three finishers in each age group (based on 10-year increments)
  • Access to showers after the race at our sponsor, River Valley Athletic ClubShow your bib and bring your own towel, then hit the sites and enjoy everything Stillwater has to offer.
  • A Buy-One/Get-One at Lift Bridge Brewing for a cold beer or beverage! Redeemable at Lift Bridge Brewing Company tap rooms in Stillwater and New Richmond

… and more

Course Details

Why are the routes changing in 2025?

Stillwater Half Course Changes in 2025:

We’ve kept what you love about the Stillwater Half. Think of it as a refinement, rather than a change. Read on for the highlights – what’s new, what’s staying the same and why this is happening.

What’s the same!

  • Half marathoners still enjoy the scerenity of the Gateway Trail
  • The finish area remains at Pioneer Park overlooking historic Stillwater
  • The race date is set for May 24 – Saturday of Memorial Day weekend

What’s new!

  • Half marathoners! The Gateway Trail start runs the opposite direction starting at Pine Point Park. Runners follow the trail southeast for more than six miles
  • The Pine Point start area gives half marathon runners more room at the start area and a shorter shuttle ride to get there
  • Half marathoners and 10Kers…no more nasty Norell Avenue! That’s right. The rolling, hot hills from Pine Point Park south into Stillwater are gone
  • Half marathoners and 10Kers now enjoy roads with a refreshing canopy of trees and a forgiving crushed-limestone surface for almost four miles of the course
  • 5Kers have a whole new route with no up-hill start, improved scenery and dedicated paved pathways for much of the route
  • The finish line on Laurel St. moves west – just a smidge – for better views of the finish as runners approach. This eliminates the downhill slope just before you cross the mat and there’s more space to walk it off before reaching the park entrance
  • Spectators also have improved sight lines at the finish to spot you as you push toward the finish

Why change?

  • Road construction and demolition/rebuilding of a key bridge on the course makes the changes a necessity
  • The change improves safety along the course by eliminating the potentially dangerous intersection of Stonbridge Tr., Hwy 96 and Norell Ave. at the north end of the city. With five roadways converging in one place, runners coming from two directions, and increased traffic in the area, now is the time to ensure everyones safety
  • As the race grows, space is becoming an issue. The half marathon start, for example, needs more space to accommodate its popularity
  • Many of you have mentioned how challenging Norell Ave. could be during the race. The stretch took runners up and down at a tough stage of the race. Half marathoners experienced it from miles 8 to 10 and 10Kers came through the area at miles 2 through 5. Many runners know this point in a race to be difficult even on a good day. Rerouting this stretch adds more variety to the race, giving runners shadecover and a more forgiving surface to enjoy
  • Finally, relieving congestion at the finish line by moving the actual finish further west on Laurel St. gives both runners and spectators more room to enjoy the event

Where can I find course maps?

Course Information:

Course maps are available on the  Course Maps page.

Are the courses certified?

USA Track & Field (USATF) Course Certification numbers:

Half – MN14016RR

10K – MN17007RR

5K – MN14015RR

What is available at aid stations?

Aid stations have water and Gatorade available.

Where are toilets available on the course?

Toilets are located at each start area, the finish area and approximately every two miles at or near aid stations along the course.

Race Weekend

When and where is packet pick-up?

Packet Pick-up 2023:

Packet pick-up Friday, May 24, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. (recommended)
Race day (May 25), 5:20 a.m.

Location: Water Street Inn; 101 Water Street, Stillwater, MN 55082

NOTE: Runners will be sent an email Thursday, May 23 with your bib number information. Remember this number. You will need it to pick up your packet.

Can I pick up someone else's packet?

Picking Up Someone Else’s Packet

You may pick up another runner’s packet as long as you have an agreement to do so. Please do not pick up another runner’s packet without their knowledge. Doing so can (and does) cause confusion at packet pickup when there is very little time to correct the situation.

I paid to have my packet mailed. When can I expect it?

If you paid for the Mail-My-Packet option, you can expect your packet to arrive within 10 days of race day. You will receive tracking information when your packet is mailed.

How can I change my race distance?

Changing Your Distance

You may change your distance at packet pickup. For guests moving to a longer distance, you’ll just pay the difference to move up to the longer distance. There’s no charge for moving to a shorter distance. Just pick up your packet as usual and bring it to the In-Person/Changes table to make the switch.

How can I exchange my shirt for a different size?

Shirt Exchange

You may exchange your unworn shirt for a different size after the race. Shirts are ordered based on the sizes specified at the time of registration. To ensure everyone gets the size requested, exchanges can be made after the race. Staff remains at Packet Pickup at the Water Street Inn until approximately 10:45 a.m.

What if I'm a slow runner? May I walk the course?

Race Time Limit: 4-hours

Slow runners and walkers are welcome provided you maintain constant progress on the course and do not deviate from the course.

A sweeper-runner follows the last runner helping to keep the field of participants within the time limit at an average pace of no more than 18-minutes per mile. The average walking pace is 15 minutes per mile. Aid stations are available throughout the course to provide hydration, restrooms, and assistance with medical needs or voluntary withdrawal from the race.

Stopping for an extended period of time may result in disqualification from the race.

Exceeding the time limit could mean race support is no longer available, including aid stations, public safety and medical assistance.

How does bag drop work?

  • Bag Drop is available at each start area with bags provided for your convenience
  • Bag Drop pick-up is at the finish line area
  • Bags provided at each start are clear and 15″ x 18″
  • All Bag Drop items must be in a bag
  • You may use your own bag provided it is approximately 15″ x 18″
  • No large backpacks or suitcases are accepted in Bag Drop
  • Race bibs have a tear-off tag with your bib number to be used for Bag Drop
  • Place the bag drop tag INSIDE the clear bag where it is EASILY VISIBLE for sorting
  • Your race bib and Bag Drop tag must match to pick up your items
  • Bag Drop pick-up will be staffed at the finish area until approximately 11:00 a.m.
  • Run Stillwater, Inc. is not responsible for lost or damaged items left in Bag Drop

Where can I park?

Directions, parking recommendations and shuttle locations are shown on the map HERE.

The city of Stillwater is now using Passport Parking technology in most downtown parking areas. Kiosks are available to pay for parking or use the Passport Parking mobile app to make parking fast and easy. See the map for locations and check the city’s parking information for details about days and hours when fees are required.

Do I have to pay to park?

Free parking is also available throughout the downtown area, as shown on the mapParking is free until 10:00 a.m. in most downtown paid parking areas. Check area signage before you leave your vehicle. The city’s parking information has additional details about days and hours when fees are required.

Will there be pacers at the event?

Pacers for the Half Marathon:

The Stillwater Half Marathon will have pacers, provided by Midwest Pacers, for all half marathon participants to help runners reach their race day goals.

Where can I stay in Stillwater?

Great idea! There are plenty of reasons to spend some time in Stillwater before and after the race.

For hotels, we recommend our headquarters hotel: The Water Street Inn. Contact the Water Street Inn directly to book accommodations. More options can be found through Discover Stillwater.

Where can I shower after the race?

Our sponsor, River Valley Athletic Club, offers all registered runners an opportunity to shower after each race. Show your bib and bring your own towel, then hit the sites and enjoy everything Stillwater has to offer.

When are the start times?

Start Time:

7:00 a.m.:  All races start at the same time.

All start areas have portable restrooms, water and bag drop available.

How do I get to my start location?

  • All runners will be shuttled to the start areas from downtown Stillwater
  • Buses are marked with each start area they serve. Check before you board to be sure you are on the correct bus
  • First shuttle leaves at 5:30 a.m.
  • Last shuttle leaves at 6:30 a.m. SHARP
  • Shuttles typically line up on Mulberry St. two blocks north of the Water Street Inn, but is subject to change. Watch for the specific location on the website and in email communications to runners as race day approaches

May I drive myself or get dropped off at the start?


All runners are bussed to the start lines for all distances from downtown Stillwater. Buses are marked with each start area they serve. Check before you board to be sure you are on the correct bus.

We strongly encourage using the bus system. Drop off areas are congested and no parking is available for personal vehicles. There are no shuttles back to the start areas after the race. Buses will load on Water Street between Myrtle St. and Mulberry St. (subject to change) directly north of the Water Street Inn.

Busing to start lines will begin at 5:30 a.m. and continue until 30 minutes before start time of your race. The last buses to the start areas leave will be at 6:30 a.m. SHARP.

What if there is bad weather?

Weather Considerations:

Runner safety is our number one priority. The race will occur rain or shine. We have direct contact with the National Weather Service in the Twin Cities and rely on their forecasts in making decisions concerning weather and race-day conditions.

Parameters for weather considerations include the following:

  • Electrical activity in the area
  • Hail
  • High winds
  • WetBulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) conditions – a scientific measurement provided by the National Weather Service of the body’s heat stress in direct sunlight, taking into account temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle and cloud cover, and based on U.S.A. Track and Field guidelines for running events:
    • WBGT less than 65 degrees Fahrenheit is Green Flag/No Warning to runners necessary
    • WBGT 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit is Yellow Flag/Recommend participants at increased risk for heat collapse. Slow pace. Warn all entrants of increased risk of heat collapse
    • WBGT 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit is Red Flag/Recommend participants at increased risk for heat collapse withdraw from race, and other slow pace to match conditions
    • WBGT above 82 degrees is Black Flag/Cancel or recommend voluntary withdrawal

There will be over 65 course marshals and public safety officers stationed around the course to guide runners in good weather and bad.

What happens after the race? Is there an award ceremony?

Post Race Information:

Race results will be posted and updated close to real-time by Mtec Results. Go to www.mtecresults.com after the race.

Celebrate your victory with breakfast at the Water Street Inn. Come to relax and refuel with friends and family after a great race!

We will not hold an awards ceremony after the race. Keepsake age group awards – personalized with name, time, distance and division – for the top three finishers in each age group (based on 10-year increments) are mailed to winners after the event

How do runners get to their vehicles after the race?

The finish area is in Pioneer Park on the bluff overlooking downtown Stillwater. Runners typically park in the north parking lots and walk back to their vehicles. No shuttles are provided after the race.

There is a stairway from Pioneer Park down to Main Street (Laurel St. Stairs) for easy access to parking in the downtown area. See the parking information provided prior to the race and for more details.

More Race Information

May I run with my music, a stroller, my dog?

Safety and Rules of the Road:

  • For the safety of all runners and walkers, the following are NOT allowed on the course: Unregistered participants (including family, friends, assistants or pacers); bicycles; in-line skates; pets
  • The following are allowed with prior approval from race staff: registered runner escorts for parasports athletes, adapted wheel chairs, jogging strollers, certified service animals. Contact us in advance to make arrangements. It’s important we are aware in order to accommodate you and alert race-day staff, shuttle support, etc.
  • Headphones and earbuds are permitted, but runners are strongly encouraged to keep the volume down and NOT to use noise canceling features so you are alert to traffic and able to follow instructions from race officials
  • The race courses are not 100 percent closed to traffic so we ask that you be aware of your surroundings at all times

How does Run Stillwater provide for adaptive athletes?

We welcome adaptive athletes at our events. All athletes, including escorts, must be registered in advance and where a bib number. The following are allowed with prior approval from race staff: runner escorts for parasports athletes, adapted wheel chairs with runner escorts, jogging strollers, certified service animals. Please contact us if you need more information using the Contact Us page

What is the Run Stillwater, Inc. return and privacy policy?

Return/Refund and Privacy Policy

All Run Stillwater, Inc. races occur rain or shine. Fees are not refundable and race numbers and timing chips are not transferable to a different person than the individual to whom the bib number is assigned. Participants must agree to the terms and conditions of participation prior to entering payment information during the registration process. For details regarding the Run Stillwater, Inc. privacy policy, click HERE.